Leadership Theater ...unplugged

#5 Quentin Pratley: How appreciating his own value has led to a healthy and strong company

Episode Summary

Quentin is the founder and CEO of FLSK. From the outside his achievements at still a very young age look like a wonderful success story. But you will hear how his inner life has looked like: about his deep self doubts, destructive beliefs, and suppressed feelings of severe losses in his life. He has gone so far to offer his job and company to an external CEO. That has been a tipping point in his life. It has made him rethink his own value and the value of his team members. This has changed his attitude how he leads completely.

Episode Notes

After finishing his high school degree in Germany, Quentin has become a road constructor. He moved to the Congo to help building proper roads in a country less fortunate than Germany. Later back again in Germany he studied industrial engineering while continuing to work as road constructor. 

Coincidentally he met a person from South Africa who has asked him to work for her. Seeing this as a chance to escape he has taken that offer and has started to work for FLSK in South Africa. Together they decided to bring to product to Europe/ Germany where he founded his own company at the age of 22.