Leadership Theater ...unplugged

#7 Duncan Barras: About leading a team he has known nothing about

Episode Summary

In this episode you will learn that a directive and radically goal-oriented style of leadership is set up for failure. And if you still think that it needs a subject matter expert to be a good leader, Duncan will proof you wrong. Leading a team he has known nothing about has been the most successful time in his leadership career.

Episode Notes

Duncan Barras from Cardiff started his career as a logistics planner in the steel industry. This is where he took over his first leadership role in a merely command and control culture. 

After some years he switched the industry to another manufaturing company in the hope of experiencing a more people oriented collaboration. But he just experienced a similar culture as in the steel industry. 

This changed when his new boss (Alexander ;-)) came to the company and started an agile transformation. Duncan was part of the management team and went through a leadership transformation himself. 

Today he works as a segment category manager in the packaging industry.